Clear Skies is a simple, client side webapp that grabs the weather wherever you are.
Scripture Engagement Platform
I worked with a team of students to develop this application in a class at Taylor University. We implemented it with Flask from a system requirements specification that we presented in a prior class.
jadsh (Just Another Dumb SHell) is an experiment in building a really dumb, slow shell in Python. It has zero dependancies and is built entirely using Python stdlib and ANSI escape sequences.
Detects faces and draws cool props on them using JavaScript in the browser. I built this simple application for a Computer Vision course with a few friends. We wanted to focus on extending an existing feature detector to rotated faces.
A CLIPS program that plays Risk. I built this with some classmates in a Knowledge Based Systems class as our final project.
Translate This! — Live Site
A simple addon for Firefox that allows inline and full page translation to a target language. It averages about 90,000 daily users and has racked up over 1,250,000 downloads.
RedditNotifier — Live Site
An addon for Firefox that checks for unread messages and new posts on reddit.
Game Contest Server
At Taylor University, many computer science professors use turn-based games (like Checkers, Risk, and Battleships) to teach programming principles like control structures and AI. Each game has a different set of rules and lacks a standardized way for students to evaulate their performance against other players. The Game Contest Server seeks to solve the problems posed by the original, unstandardized system. It is an interactive, web-based manager for automated turn-based game contests.
I worked with a team of students on this application as our senior project. My main role was to develop a replay system so that students could replay the moves that their players made during each match. This required building a logging system with a simple TCP protocol and then building a rendering system using WebGL in the browser.
At the end of our senior project, we gave in-depth presentation. I also created a poster further describing my role in the project.
Outstanding Systems Graduate, 2016
Taylor University Computer Science & Engineering Department
I received recognition from the Computer Science and Engineering department at Taylor University for being the Outstanding Systems Graduate. This award is given to a student who best exemplifies what the Systems program is trying to teach through their outstanding class and project work.
3rd Place BVU CTF, 2016
Buena Vista University
We finished in third place in Buena Vista University’s fourth annual capture the flag contest. This contest pushed our team to find, exploit, and fix vulnerabilities found in 5 applications running on our server. I was the lead in a group of four computer science students. We competed against several other schools and came out on top.
1st Place BVU CTF, 2015
Buena Vista University
We finished in first place in Buena Vista University’s 3rd annual capture the flag contest. This contest pushed our team to find, exploit, and fix vulnerabilities found in 5 applications running on our server. I was the lead in a group of four computer science students. We competed against several other schools and came out on top.
3rd Place Illinois State FIRST Lego League Championship, 2008
FIRST Illinois Robotics
I was a member of ‘got robot?’, an award winning FIRST Lego League robotics team that competed at state and national levels.